Tuesday, September 29, 2009


As cross posted on Xanga and Facebook.

The week of 9/28/2009:

  • Monday: AM - 5k on the treadmill and stretch, PM - challenges
  • Tuesday: AM - at least 2 miles with Little Dog( 2.5 actually!), Afternoon - 1 mile walk to Kokopelli's for lunch, PM - Rest FAIL!1.5 miles of walking all three dogs at the same time.
  • Wednesday: AM - 3.75 miles with Little Dog, PM - challenges
  • Thursday: AM - Lift at the gym (core and pullup!), PM - Rest
  • Friday: AM - 3.75 miles with Little Dog, PM - challenges
  • Saturday: AM - 8 miles with Little Dog and Mister Dog, PM - Rest
  • Sunday: AM - Lift at the gym (core, pullup!), challenge test and cross train!
Okay. Those of you with multiple dogs - how the crap do you walk more than one (or even TWO) at a time? I mean, at least without tripping over dogs, wanting to kill dogs and having to stop about every 5 steps to disentangle them? Are my dogs (MR. DOG, I'm looking at you here) just that ill-behaved on leash? Probably!

And sadly, I don't get to run with Little Dog tomorrow. Now, I'm sentenced to the treadmill again. Stupid job with stupid early morning stupid rush jobs for stupid clients who don't even pay their stupid bills. STUPID.

And if you couldn't tell, I'm still cranky. And grumpy. And more than a little bitchy, irritable and just plain MEAN. I don't know what my problem is but I'm about three doggie "interactions" away from throwing all six of the four-leggers into the little bathroom and having a pet thunderdome event.

Monday, September 28, 2009

As cross-posted on Xanga and Facebook:

The week of 9/28/2009:

  • Monday: AM - 5k on the treadmill and stretch, PM - challenges
  • Tuesday: AM - at least 2 miles with Little Dog, PM - Rest
  • Wednesday: AM - 3.75 miles with Little Dog, PM - challenges
  • Thursday: AM - Lift at the gym (core and pullup!), PM - Rest
  • Friday: AM - 3.75 miles with Little Dog, PM - challenges
  • Saturday: AM - 8 miles with Little Dog and Mister Dog, PM - Rest
  • Sunday: AM - Lift at the gym (core, pullup!), challenge test and cross train!
Today's 5k on the treadmill went well - 29:14. That is a time I'd like to see in a couple of weeks at the Frank Kush 5k. We'll see though - I'm going to distance lately. Not for speed! (Ha! Did you see what I did there?)

I certainly don't think it's fair to have candy bars AND cinnamon rolls in the breakroom. My resistance is only so strong. And I really like cinnamon rolls.

Here's hoping tonight's challenges come fairly easily. It's been a long day and I'm poooooooped.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

This weeks schedule (which I wish I could find a better format for posting online):

  • Monday - AM - Run 3.5 miles, PM - Pushup, squat and crunch challenges
  • Tuesday - AM - Lift with focus on assisted pull ups and core - FAIL!, PM - REST
  • Wednesday - AM - Run 3.5 miles, PM - Pushup, squat and crunch challenges
  • Thursday - AM - Lift with focus on assisted pull ups and core - FAIL!, PM - REST
  • Friday - AM - Run 3.5 miles, PM - Pushup, squat and crunch challenges
  • Saturday - AM - Long Run - 7.5 miles, PM - REST
  • Sunday - AM - Cross train (row, mostly likely) and lift if feeling good, PM - REST
Not too bad really! The downfall of working out so much though - LAUNDRY. I'm going through 2 outfits minimum on workout days and sometimes, if I change before my pushup, squats and crunch challenges - it's THREE. Also, I think I'm going to have to buy more sports bras. Again. And those little suckers aren't cheap!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

This weeks schedule (which I wish I could find a better format for posting online):

  • Monday - AM - Run 3.5 miles, PM - Pushup, squat and crunch challenges
  • Tuesday - AM - Lift with focus on assisted pull ups and core - FAIL!, PM - REST
  • Wednesday - AM - Run 3.5 miles, PM - Pushup, squat and crunch challenges
  • Thursday - AM - Lift with focus on assisted pull ups and core - FAIL!, PM - REST
  • Friday - AM - Run 3.5 miles, PM - Pushup, squat and crunch challenges
  • Saturday - AM - Long Run - 7.5 miles, PM - REST
  • Sunday - AM - Cross train (row, mostly likely) and lift if feeling good, PM - REST

So the problem seems to be Tuesday and Thursday so far. My behind is just lazy and there is no Little Dog agitating to go. Oh well. Wednesday I stayed home from work but managed my best run to the dog park yet - 41 minutes to go about 3.5 miles (including traffic lights and pit stops). I'd like to get it down to a 35 minute run - eventually.

I'm still all sinus-y gross. That's been three weeks of YUCK in my sinuses. Apparently I need to get my lower sinuses roto-rootered or something...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This weeks schedule (which I wish I could find a better format for posting online):

  • Monday - AM - Run 3.5 miles, PM - Pushup, squat and crunch challenges
  • Tuesday - AM - Lift with focus on assisted pull ups and core - FAIL!, PM - REST
  • Wednesday - AM - Run 3.5 miles, PM - Pushup, squat and crunch challenges
  • Thursday - AM - Lift with focus on assisted pull ups and core, PM - REST
  • Friday - AM - Run 3.5 miles, PM - Pushup, squat and crunch challenges
  • Saturday - AM - Long Run - 7.5 miles, PM - REST
  • Sunday - AM - Cross train (row, mostly likely) and lift if feeling good, PM - REST

Yeah. So I rocked out with the challenges last night, even being tired and late getting home. And even with my poor right quad being all sore from Sunday's initial test. And then this morning, I couldn't get my hiney out of bed and my quad hurt even more.

Indeed. Those are excuses. They may even be valid. But I still made a choice to be lazy this morning (and my husband even went to the gym - go him!). Everyday, every morning, every meal, every workout (or lack thereof) is a choice.

So my choices today have sucked.
No workout. I ate a candy bar and chips from TJ's even though I had a healthy lunch packed, including snacks. The PMS monster reared it's ugly, hormone-y head and I chose to listen.

Yeah, choice is a big deal for me. I think I may actually tattoo it on my person to help reinforce the importance of that one little word. You may not choose your lot in life but you can always choose how you react to events in your life.

Luckily for me, tomorrow I will run no matter what - because Little Dog is a demanding bitch and NEEDS her run to the dog park. Four-leggers are great motivators.

Of course, what remains to be seen, is what tonight's choice for dinner will be.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Well, I did 7 miles on Saturday but in split format. That is, I went 3.5 miles to the dog park with Ripley. Took a potty break and a 15 minute breather and swapped out Ripley for Indiana and then went 3.5 miles home. Less than 90 minutes for 7 miles. In theory that means I could, right now, finish a half marathon in less than 3 hours. Yeah, and then my feet would fall off and I would cry. But you know, theoretically!

This weeks schedule (which I wish I could find a better format for posting online):

  • Monday - AM - Run 3.5 miles, PM - Pushup, squat and crunch challenges
  • Tuesday - AM - Lift with focus on assisted pull ups and core, PM - REST
  • Wednesday - AM - Run 3.5 miles, PM - Pushup, squat and crunch challenges
  • Thursday - AM - Lift with focus on assisted pull ups and core, PM - REST
  • Friday - AM - Run 3.5 miles, PM - Pushup, squat and crunch challenges
  • Saturday - AM - Long Run - 7.5 miles, PM - REST
  • Sunday - AM - Cross train (row, mostly likely) and lift if feeling good, PM - REST

What are the challenges I refer to above? Well, I've done the 100 Pushup Challenge and the 200 Sit-up challenge (or crunches, whatever) but now they have the 200 Squat challenge. Same idea - train yourself to do MORE of certain actions. However, the squats are going to be easier I think. We did the initial test yesterday - I did 100 squats, 14 military style (and GOOD form) pushups and 44 crunches. I'm in pretty darn good shape, if I do say so. I do think I need to start throwing in the occasional timed mile run, though my 5k on October 17th will help keep me on target for speed, I hope!